Wednesday, April 8, 2009

test, don't guess

many mastitis cases, especially chronic ones, would benefit from being diagnosed - you may find something that is a surprise and that will result in a different treatment or different management to eliminate future cases.

some cases that 'look' like a coliform can be staph aureus; definitely a case where the cow should be managed differently to prevent further infection to the herd. other times what looks like a typical coliform isn't e.coli - a recent case seen in an on-again/off-again mastitis cow showed a klebsiella when i cultured her here. that is a very tough organism to cure and her quarter was dried up.

preliminary results can be seen as soon as 18-24 hours for some cases, so if you have an increase in mastitis cases, or increasing SCC, save samples aseptically and freeze or call and arrange to get them here so they can be plated right away and you can find out what is the cause instead of guessing.

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